Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Little Advice for Those Considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are in a tough financial situation, you may be considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Before you move forward, consider several alternatives first. If your financial pressures are due to Credit Card or other debt, consider debt consolidation or working with a financial counselor. You may have already taken those steps and find no other options than bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy may help you in eliminated most kinds of unsecured debt. Examples of these debts are credit cards; personal loans, judgments, and medical bills.

Most of the time, you can keep your property. You must be current on your car and mortgage payment. In addition, the courts will assess the amount of equity you have in your current property. If you have significant equity, you may be asked to leverage your equity to pay your debts first. The goal with Chapter 7 is to eliminate your debt while keeping your personal belongings.

There are some key facts that you need to know before you commit to Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Here are a few answers to common questions for those filing for Chapter 7. Please read further.

Will creditors continue to harass me?

You will want to retain a Chapter 7 Attorney immediately. By working with a specialized attorney, they will immediately give you record number. When the creditors call, you can give them your record number and refer them to your attorney.

Will I lost everything if I file for Chapter 7?

Typically, you will retain all your personal belongings, including your house. A good Chapter 7 lawyer will insure that your personal effects are safe. Most often your car will be safe as well. Your attorney will leverage state bankruptcy exemptions to protect these items.

More often than not you will be more at risk in losing your personal property if you do not file for Chapter 7 to protect them. Make sure you file before you get so far behind that you cannot do anything and get out of the rut you find yourself in.

Will everyone know I have filed for bankruptcy?

The short answer is no. The only parties that will know are the IRS, creditors, and the bankruptcy court. Your employer will not be notified when you file for bankruptcy either unless they are also a creditor of yours. Your bankruptcy is public record but no notifications will be made.

How do I know if I should file for Bankruptcy?

If you are currently facing the repossession of your car or home, you will be better off considering Chapter 7. This will be a better alternative and you should move now before it is too late.

How do I choose a good Chapter 7 Attorney?

If you are considering Chapter 7, you must find a specialized Chapter 7 attorney that understands the laws and is current on any changes that my impact your situation.

When you call a bankruptcy attorney ask them how many bankruptcies they have handled in your state. Make sure you educate yourself on all your alternatives. You can easily do a quick search on the internet and do some quick research before you hire and commit to an attorney.

Most legitimate bankruptcy attorneys will be able to give you a fair assessment over the phone. Make sure you share the facts with your situation. Many times people are embarrassed of their situation and they hide the facts. This will only prevent an attorney from helping you fast and getting the process underway.

We cannot stress enough the need to get several assessments of your situation. This is key in not only getting the right advice, but also to make sure you get an attorney that is sincerely in the business of helping you.

Will I ever get credit again?

Bankruptcy will be reported on your credit report for up to 10 years. That said you can start right away in establishing your credit. Lenders typically consider your debt to income ratio as well your credit history.

Filing for Chapter 7 helps you eliminate your debts, but also helps in reducing your debt to income ratio as well. This does help in establishing good credit for you in the future. Creditors are in the business to make money by lending you money. Remember this and you will be able to find a lender that will sell you money in your situation.

There are lenders in the business of helping people in your exact situation. You may not get the best interest rate, but you have to start somewhere.

Remember, you can only file for bankruptcy every six (6) years. Dont find yourself in the same situation again! If you need financial counseling, dont be embarrassed. Learn how to manage your income, and your debt after your bankruptcy and you will be on your way to a clean financial bill of health.

Matt D Murren owns and operates Chapter 7 BankruptcyCassandry Blog14584
Brittne Blog48896

The Power Of Getting A Health Care Degree Online

One of the most popular programs for online education today is that of the health care degree online. What makes this degree so desirable one might wonder? The answer is as simple as two words, job market. The current state of affairs in the world of health care is one of major need for workers. With a booming health care industry, there is pressure on potential employees to earn a health care degree online, instead of going a more liberal arts affiliated route.

If this is something that doesnt seem to make sense to you, simply have a look at your local paper's classified ads section. Under the help wanted ads, there should be a large block of advertisements dedicated to the health care field. This is why health care degree online programs make so much sense for those looking to get a job. It is the simple fact that if you sign up for a health care degree online program, you can count on the chances of getting a job after graduation much more than most any other field offered online today.

The average health care professional earns close to double the average wage per capita in the United States, and has a career filled with helping others. Obtaining a health care degree online can be the difference between making something of yourself in the near future, and spending another bunch of years figuring it out. This is because most people after college go through seven to eight jobs before they find their career. This is not the case when you have a health care degree online, because most people that earn their health care degree online have the pick of the litter when it comes to job selection in the medical field.

Another benefit of earning a health care degree online is the upward opportunity to earn future degrees in nursing, or even becoming a doctor. There must be a foundation for every building, and if you look at your career as a building, the health care degree online is your foundation. This is the cement that allows you to build a better, stronger, future for yourself, and your family. Many nurses spend time after earning a two, or four year degree, before returning to get their masters in nursing. It is often the case that some will achieve such comfort in their health care job without this degree, that they never go back and thus the wide open market for nurses today. Having a health care degree online can make you a better, more prepared person for the future.

Not everyone is prepared to earn a health care degree online, and it should be considered a major challenge for anyone that is interested in earning this degree. Simply because the job market is ripe does not mean that earning a health care degree online is an easy task, in fact, this is one of the more challenging degrees online today.

Some people are gifted with a knack for science, most of us are not, and it takes extra dedication to make earning a health care degree online a reality. This means that you will probably need to study more than your peers in other programs, and often will be faced with scientifically challenging puzzles, that arent easy to solve. However, for those that are able to tough it out, and earn this degree, the world literally is awaiting their arrival. For the first time in history there are more jobs in this industry, than there are people to fill them, that is why earning a health care degree online is the right choice for anyone that is ready for a great career in the health care industry.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Health Care Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Catharine Blog74674
Brynne Blog68187

Making The Perfect Craft

Making crafts are a wonderful way to spend a day at home. Leisure activities such as ping pong, board games and making crafts are different activities to do in your home. Painting, coloring, writing, making music, and making crafts are all creative activities. The process of making art and the process of making crafts are related but different.

There are many ideas and for making crafts for the table, wall, or door, plus lots of different tree ornaments you can do when you think about it. Coming up with Christmas craft project ideas can be difficult, to find ideas look at some craft magazines. There are many ways to come up with craft ideas, try using everyday products around the home or use recycled materials to create your crafts. You will also find lots of ideas for making crafts using household items. There are plenty of summer craft ideas for all ages if you think about it. The internet is a great place to get ideas for cards or scrapbooks. Stamping and needlework are easy to learn and there are many ideas for patterns. When on a budget, add accessories to your crafts or bedazzle them. Kids love Halloween crafts, children always have fun making crafts, especially holiday-themed crafts.

Handmade crafts and scrap booking are very enjoyable and popular pastimes for adults and children. There are loads of scrap booking layout ideas for you to try out. Buying discount scrap booking supplies can save you a lot of money. Scrap booking is an activity which is growing in popularity. Scrap booking, cross stitch, patchwork and needlework kits are easy to find the stores or on the internet.

When making crafts learn to have fun with it. Kids have fun drawing, painting, making crafts. This origami craft is fun to play with and educational at the same time. You can make crafts without creating a huge mess. Include your children when creating crafts you could have a lot of fun making crafts with your kids out of the things you throw away every day. Easter is a fun holiday and the Internet has many fun things for families to make crafts with. Children will have fun making crafts and exploring their creative side. Join the fun of making crafts, reading stories, cooking, gym play, and tumbling during these four-week sessions. Join in with the family and enjoy fun activities such as holiday crafts and games, this is one way of brining the family together. There are so many ideas that we cannot mention all of them but one which is easy to do is to create fun items just to spice up a lonely shelf or tabletop. Find fun activities to do together, such as making crafts, writing a story, or acting out a musical. Crafts can be a fun creative outlet for kids and adults.

David Marc Fishman is the owner of Tipsquad is a new tip website which gives advice on many different subjectsAlthea Blog41456
Alejandrina Blog40806

10 Things To Think About When Considering Frontpage Web Hosting

Its not hard to find Frontpage Web Hosting. Just do a google search and youre likely to find hundreds of sites that provide it. But there are some things that youll want to look for and consider.

1) What version of Frontpage are you using? This is important because Frontpage features are implemented through the use of Frontpage Extensions and those extensions are different between each version. So youll need to make sure that the Frontpage Host you select supports the Frontpage extensions for your particular version.

2) Do you really need a site that supports Frontpage extensions? This may seem strange, but youll find that there are two primary hosting types; Linux based and Windows based. The Linux based hosts are generally a bit cheaper than Windows based hosting. If you have no plans to take advantage of Frontpage extensions, and youre only using Frontpage to create HTML documents, then regular Linux hosting will do fine.

3) Dont use Frontpage Extensions if you really dont have to. These extensions will give you the ability to do creative things (flashing text, calanders, etc) that dont really add value to your website. Consider this risk as Microsoft updates its software, they may change a Frontpage extension in such a way that your websites may not work. If this happens, you would have to rewrite your web page with updated references to extensions to make it work again.

4) Is the host reliable? There are literally THOUSANDS of Frontpage Web Hosting providers on the market. All you need to set up a web host business is a Windows based server and an Internet connection. You, the home users, really have no idea if the host is reliable or not. For this reason, its a good idea to check Frontpage hosting providers ratings before making a selection. Use a service like: or

5) How long do they want you to sign up for? Typically, a web host will have a monthly contract with price breaks if you prepay for longer terms. You dont have to be crazy and buy 5 years. 1 year will do. Also, along with your Frontpage hosting account, youre going to have to purchase a domain name. Generally, I do this through the same company, but you dont have to do it this way. For example, on occasion, a domain name registrar called RegisterFly will offer .info domains for as little as .60 per year. Normally you would expect to pay about $5.00 per year, so this is a great discount. Ive purchased hundreds of domains through RegisterFly and am very happy with them.

6) Does your Frontpage Web Host have a simple to use web front end for administering your site? This makes things much easier. You will undoubtedly be creating a directory structure, uploading files, changing file permissions, etc, while you develop your site. Having a convenient web based portal for administering these changes makes things nice.

7) How many e-mail accounts will your Frontpage Web Host provide? Normally this is a non-issue, but if youre setting up a website for a business and they need e-mail addresses to go along with their web hosting service, then youll want to confirm that enough e-mail addresses are provided by the host. Lately, Ive noticed this number going up and up and up. A few years ago, 5 e-mail addresses was normal. Now, Ill get hundreds per domain (which I never use).

8) How much space will your Frontpage Web Host provide? Again, this number is going up and up and up. But dont be caught off guard. Make sure they will provide enough space for your needs. Typically, youll see 100 MB or so for cheaper accounts. Unless you have a vast database that will be part of your site, this is generally more than enough.

9) Will your Frontpage Web Host put a cap on the amount of bandwidth you can consume? If you expect to get lots of visitors to your website, make sure your hosting provide will supply the bandwidth. I recently ran into a problem with on of my accounts because a graphics intensive page was referenced by a very popular authority site, I consumed my allotted bandwidth for the month, in 2 days. They kept my account operations, but I had to pay extra for the bandwidth consumption. Other sites have been turned off due to excessive bandwidth consumption.

10) Finally, will your Frontpage Web Host allow you to register domain names privately? This is a feature of Domain Registration where your private information remains private. When someone performs a Whois on your domain, they would see the contact information for the web host. This is nice if you plan to put up many, many sites and want to avoid any spam.

I would say that choosing a Frontpage Web Host is only slightly more difficult than choosing a Linux Host. If you check some of those review sites that I mentioned above, you can be confident that youll find a Frontpage host that will provide excellent service to you. You can find out more about Frontpage Web Hosting here ->

Charles Waters has been developing web sites for several years as part of his Affiliate Marketing strategy. In the beginning, he used Frontpage extensively, but over the last few years has migrated to the cheaper, more ubiquitous Linux hosting. See for more information.Alexia Blog95951
Andriana Blog87581

Buyers Being Creative In A Soft Real Estate Market With A Challenged Credit History

The stars have lined up against many would be buyers with the amount of baggage they bring to the table in the way of challenged credit. They want to buy something. They need to buy something. Whether it be a recent bankruptcy, repossession, foreclosure, large medical bill collections, identity theft or judgements or recent unemployment any one of which can plummet a credit score and put the would be buyer in a financial hole. In a soft real estate market where owners need to sell and have a high degree of motivation to dispose of their property. This is the opportunity that a buyer with challenged credit history can seek to help a seller out of their current dilemma by arranging sale terms that will help both buyer and seller. These scenarios may not work for anyone who has zero options, zero income and zero means to pay anything back. It is rather, for those who are fighting their way back and do have options, have income and now have means to meet their obligations on a negotiated deal. This will not work if a buyer throws their hands up and gives up to the possibility of buying a property. This opportunity will work for those buyers who have a need as well as a burning desire in their belly to buy something that will meet their family goals and will do what is necessary to make it happen.

A buyer needs to be aggressive in their efforts to take advantage of this temporary real estate market. Some areas of the country have more opportunities than other areas. However, there are deals in every area. A buyer needs to find them. There is little reward for a buyer to deal with an unmotivated seller. There must be pressure on the seller to move the property. Whether it be for reasons of health, estate situation, job loss, divorce, out of state move, downsizing, upsizing, budget, cash flow or other reasons if a buyer with checkered credit has a shot of doing something. A buyer early on will need to come to the conclusion that the chance of matching the perfect house with the perfectly motivated seller will be slim. Therefore, from the get go the buyer must be willing to compromise on the purchase. The buyer must realize that this is not the last home they will buy, it is the first home they will buy with a high degree of challenged credit. The buy decision, although well thought out, must recognize the purchase is not permanent and is not fatal. It is simply a means to get into a property and get on the equity accumulation train, which will help them over time. So the search begins to find a motivated seller while being somewhat flexible while not having unreasonable expectations that will not fly with the current credit circumstances.

Buyers can try to do it themselves or choose to bring in a professional realtor who knows the market. Right now a lot of realtors have a lot of time on their hands. Six months ago when the market was raging, that was not the case. What a difference a day makes. The criteria then on a broad based approach would be to find a vacant home, on a realtor lock box, with a lower mortgage balance and with a high seller motivational to move the property. If a property is not listed, then the seller may not be motivated enough for a buyers purposes. They are not serious enough. If a property has had three or four price reductions in the last few months in the Multiple Listing Service this would be a sign of a motivated seller. Likewise if a seller has indicated a willingness to pay for buyers closing costs, hold a second mortgage, consider a lease option or a lease purchase, these are all signs of the degree of seller motivation necessary for a buyer with challenged credit to find a workable property. Early on in the realtor selection process, a working relationship must be established with a realtor who is willing to make multiple offers and does not take rejection personally until an acceptable deal can be negotiated.

At the same time, a mortgage broker will need to be contacted to determine exactly what is possible in the way of a first mortgage. Banks are not geared to do what will be required to make a deal with challenged credit. It will be assumed that in spite of the past history, the buyer now can make a monthly mortgage payment and may even have some cash to work with. Cash can be gifted from parents or other sources if necessary. The results of the mortgage broker interview will dictate what and how the deal will need to be structured. Pulling credit will determine if the housing history is 0 x 30 (meaning no housing payments more than 30 days late in the last twelve months) or worse. Collections, judgements, repossessions or any other adverse challenge the buyer may face will be noted. From this exercise, a buyer will have a payment number in hand for their monthly housing expense including principal and interest, taxes and insurance and perhaps a maintenance fee (as found in an association or condo) all inclusive in the monthly housing expense. The mortgage broker and realtor will need to work in tandem to structure the deal that is achievable on part of the buyer. Many times, in the market place the deal is negotiated without any thought to the financing. Here it will be necessary to fix the financing first THEN find the house. Most buyers with a 580 score or better can get a 95% Loan To Value first that allows a 100% Combined Loan To Value. This will no doubt be a subprime type loan with the first being one loan with no Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). An offer might look like something like this:

Purchase price would be at say $225,000 with a 95% LTV first mortgage of $213,750 and allow a 5% LTV seller held second of $11,250. The rate on the first would be for this scenario 8.5% on the first and aggressively negotiate the same for the seller held second or less. A seller may rationalize that they were going to reduce the price another $10,000 in 30 days anyway and this way I get most of their cash now. Following then, the first mortgage of $213,750 with a rate of 8.5% with payments on a 2-year fixed ARM of $1,643.55/month. The second of $11,250 at say 8% on a 10 year basis would be $135.95/month for a total principal payment of the first and second of $1,779.50/month plus taxes of $300/month and insurance of $220/month for a total housing expense of $2,299.50/month in housing expense. With a subprime loan, collections and such are not included in the debt service calculation if they are old enough. So for a working couple if the lender allows a 50% debt ratio to income the minimum income on a full documented loan would be $2,299.50/. 50 = $4,599/month. Say the wife makes $3,000 per month and the husband makes $1,599/month then they would just make it. The seller would need to pay all the buyers closing costs and prepaids (tax and insurance escrows and advanced fees) and any buyer cash can be used for monthly lender reserve requirements.

In summary then, this is a temporary buyers market in most areas and to be successful buyers need to focus on motivated sellers. Even before looking at any property the sellers agent must be interviewed to determine if there is a high motivation of selling the property by paying all the buyers closing costs and prepaids and perhaps hold a 2nd mortgage. If there isnt, the buyer should not be looking at that property. If the buyer has a vacant lot, a small mortgage note, income property or anything of value like a boat or motorcycle can all be brought to bear on a deal. The barter and trading process is how America was built. Working in tandem with a professional realtor and a mortgage broker a buyer can enlist some professional help to meet the needs of their family even with challenged credit. It is not a static situation. During the first two or three years of this scenario the buyers need to put their financial house in order through family budgeting and planning with discipline to qualify for a better rate and terms on their mortgage and other credit needs for their families future. In a few years through a lot of hard work and sacrifice they can be out of their financial hole and back on an even keel.

Dale Rogers

Dale Rogers is a thirty-year mortgage veteran and frequent contributor to the Broken Credit Blog. The BCB is a free website created to assist the general public with information about credit repair and responsible mortgage lending.Caitlin Blog62463
Catina Blog85634

Get A Student Credit Card To Make College Life Easier

Everybody knows that collage life requires finance. Any student who wants to pay his way through college seeks a source of finance to pay for education, studying material and everyday expenses. The problem begins when the students family cant support monetarily during emergencies or daily expenses due to being far away.

Student Credit Cards become a must and so, when shopping for a credit card one cant be careful enough. There are many things one needs to know before applying for a student credit card; following are some tips that will help you get started with the application process and will also teach you some basics on credit card proper use:

Fees and Rates

Student Credit Cards have somewhat high fees and interest rate, this is due to the fact that students usually lack a credit history and so, the credit card issuer is making a blind guess so to speak.

If you want to get a lower interest rate, though not required, you can always apply with a co-signer. A co-signer will become responsible for the card debt along with the credit card holder and if the holder fails to pay, he will have to cancel the debt. If a co-signer is present, his credit score will be considered in order to calculate the interest rate, and if the co-signer has good credit then, the card will carry a lower interest rate.

Starting six months 0% APR

In order to make things easier for students, most student credit cards offer a 0% APR for at least six months. Students tend to use this special promotional rate to pay for all he moving and settling expenses. Starting college is usually very expensive: moving expenses, studying material, college costs, more than usual phone calls, etc. And it is good to have cheap finance during this initial period, once the promotional period ends, the student will be already settled and wont have so many expenses.

Additional Benefit

Another benefit that comes along with being a credit card holder is that requirements for obtaining other services like a phone line, ISP, etc. or even renting an apartment will be eased due to the fact that owning a credit card is prove of credit worthiness.

Moreover, some landlords actually require tenants to own a Credit Card in order to lease them rooms or apartments. In any case, being a credit card holder is always a plus not only for the use you can make out of it, but also because of what having one implies.

Getting the right Student Credit Card

At this point, you surely want to know where you can get a student credit card. There is no single answer to that question. However, the best way to finding the right student credit card for you is to perform an online search and request information from different credit card issuers, comparing them and once youve found which one is best for you, you can apply directly online. This way, youll get the best deal at the lowest cost.

Bryan Quinn is a financial advisor with more than thirty years of experience in the field of finance who aids people undergoing financial problems and helps them obtain personal loans, home loans, student loans and grants, consolidation loans, car loans and many other financial products regardless of their credit situation. For more smart tips on Credit Cards you can visit and also learn more about other financial options.Alissa Blog93267
Ardys Blog94507

Something about Tasers

Method of Incapacitation: Electro-physical, involuntary contraction of skeletal muscle tissue. It overrides the motor nervous system, blocking command and control of the human body. Existing stun systems stimulate sensory neurons and can be over-ridden by a focused individual. The Advanced Taser directly stimulates motor nerve and muscle tissue, causing incapacitation regardless of mental focus, training, size, or drug induced dementia.

Upon firing, compressed nitrogen projects Advanced Taser probes 15 or 21 feet (depending on cartridge) at a speed of 180 feet per second. The probes are connected by thin insulated wire back to the Advanced Taser. An electrical signal transmits throughout the region where the probes make contact with the body or clothing. The result is an instant loss of the attackers neuromuscular control and any ability to perform coordinated action Advanced Taser uses an automatic timing mechanism to apply the electric charge for 5 seconds. Advanced Taser does not depend upon impact or body penetration to achieve its effect. Its pulsating electrical output interferes with communication between the brain and the muscular system, resulting in loss of control. However, Advanced Taser is non-destructive to nerves, muscles and other body elements. It simply affects them in their natural mode. More importantly, no deaths have ever been directly attributed to the Advanced Taser.

The Advanced Tasers output is well below the level established as "safe" by the federal government. In a medical study, Dr. Robert Stratbucker tested an Advanced Taser at the University of Missouri and confirmed that the it does not interrupt the heartbeat or damage a pacemaker. Any modern pacemaker is designed to withstand electrical defibrillator pulses that are hundreds of times stronger than the Advanced Tasers output. The Advanced Tasers current is well below the threshold which cardiac ventricular fibrillation can occur. High voltage, in itself, is not dangerous. One can receive a 25,000-Volt shock of static electricity from a doorknob on a dry day without harm. The physiological effect of electrical shock is determined by: the current, its duration, and the power source that produces the shock. The typical household current of 110 Volts is dangerous because it can pump many amperes of current throughout the body indefinitely.

The output is metered by the electronics and the electrical energy in each pulse is always the same, regardless of the target condition. The electrical output will not be transferred from one person to another even if they touch. Over 1,000 individuals have personally tested the Advanced Taser.

A person hit with an Advanced Taser will feel dazed for several seconds. Recovery is fast and the effects stop the very instant that the unit shuts off. Some will experience critical response amnesia and others will experience tingling sensations afterwards. The pulsating electrical output causes involuntary muscle contractions and a resulting sense of vertigo. It can momentarily stun or render immobilized. Yet, the Advanced Tasers low electrical amperage and short duration of pulsating current, ensures a non-lethal charge. Moreover, it does not cause permanent damage or long-term aftereffects to muscles, nerves or other body functions.

The electrical current will "jump" up to two inches as long as both probes are attached to clothing or skin. At most, only the 3/8-inch needlepoint will penetrate the skin. Both probes need to contact the body or clothing and be within two inches of the body to stop an attacker.

The Advanced Taser can work if one probe hits a human and the second falls on grass or dirt as the power grounds. However, the results depreciate substantially if the second probe lands on concrete, asphalt or not at all on wood floors. A secondary Air Cartridge accessory is available that holds a backup cartridge below the Advanced Taser handgrip. A final backup if the probes miss the target is the touch stun feature. Should the user miss or engage a second attacker, the Advanced Taser can be applied directly to the target and it will work like a powerful touch-stun device.

The Advanced Taser will not ignite standard solids or even black gunpowder. However, the spark from an Advanced Taser can ignite some flammable liquids, vapors, meth labs or sensitive explosives. The Advanced Taser should not be used anywhere that cigarettes are forbidden for fire safety reasons.

The Advanced Taser should always be aimed at the attackers chest or back, since both probes need to hit some part of the body to be effective. The torso provides the largest surface area to hit. The Advanced Taser should never be aimed toward an attackers face. This is a serious self-defense device and should be treated as such. Moreover, putting any sharp object into an eye is potentially dangerous to the cornea.

The Advanced Taser should be fired at a target several feet away. The optimum shot is from seven to ten feet away form the target to achieve maximum effect using a 15-foot cartridge and 12-18 for a 21-foot cartridge. The weakness to the system is not the Advanced Taser. The batteries limit the effectiveness in cold and extremely hot temperatures. Alkaline batteries perform poorly at freezing temperatures. However, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries can be substituted in a freezing climate, as their performances are better suited in colder climates. The heat issue is only an issue if the Advanced Taser were left sitting in the sun, once again adversely affecting the batteries. As for the Air Cartridge, it utilizes compressed nitrogen (an inert gas). The Advanced Taser compressed air capsules have successfully held their charges at temperatures of minus 20 F and up to 160 F. Moreover, altitude will not adversely effect the firing of an Advanced Taser. In addition, the temperature will not effect the T-Wave. However, as with any product containing polycarbonates and other thermoplastics, the Advanced Taser and Air Cartridges should never be left in direct sunlight.

While the AIR TASER uses extremely advanced technology, it is simple to use: Simply pull back the safety slide and press the trigger. The Advanced Taser microprocessor is programmed to administer a 30-second Advanced Taser discharge -- so you dont have to worry about how long to hold down the button. Or, turn the unit on or off at your discretion. Because the Advanced Taser transmits pulses into the nervous system, a hit anywhere on the body can be effective (see chart below). Thus, it is much easier to use than sprays or firearms which require a hit to a specific zone of the body. An optional laser sight provides "day light" power laser illumination for pinpoint accuracy (and stronger deterrence). Yet, with all this technology, the Advanced Taser requires no maintenance other than replacement of its 9-Volt alkaline battery when the battery indicator shows the battery is low.

Debbie Boultinghouse is the owner for Self Defense Devices R Us. Self Defense Devices R Us has various Tasers as well as many other products for your personal protection. For more information about Self Defense Devices R Us please visit Blog34103
Austina Blog99691

San Antonio Schools Evaluate Texas Tomorrow Plan

Students in San Antonio Schools in 2008 will have college savings options that havent existed since 2003. The Texas Tomorrow II plan is a revamped version of the original state savings program that many residents in San Antonio Schools blasted as useless before it was ended in 2003.

The problem with the original plan was that it didnt account for inflation. So San Antonio Schools families who used it as their main vehicle for college savings found themselves no better off. Governor Rick Perry announced this newer version that is based on the purchase of units. Heres how it works.

Imagine a student in the San Antonio Schools hope to attend a decent four year college. The parents would purchase the appropriate number of units that the family can currently afford. Unlike the old plan, families dont have to pay for 2, 4 or 5 years, but whatever they want. The Texas Prepaid Higher Education Board will set prices annually. Currently a two-year college costs 23 units for a full year, and four-year colleges range from 57-81 units.

Proponents in San Antonio Schools and throughout Texas claim that this protects parents because any inflation increases will be paid by the colleges. However, some in the San Antonio Schools fear that the results might actually hurt those the plan was designed to help. A great concern for San Antonio Schools is closing the achievement gap that exists between white and minority students. There is a strong correlation between poverty and poor academic success. Some administrators in San Antonio Schools fear that the current set-up will put colleges in the position of raising tuition to make up for the inflation they are stuck paying. And whos left with the higher tuition? Students who didnt purchase prepaid programs- usually the lower income families.

Thats not to say that most residents of San Antonio Schools dont like the program. Actually, most parents are pleased that the state has finally replaced the old model. Some features that parents in the San Antonio Schools like are that they can transfer funds from the old program, or from 529 plans, into the Texas Tomorrow II plan. Its also more accessible because families can start paying even if they dont have money to pay for a complete year.

But, some parents and educators in San Antonio Schools point out- its still not perfect. Funds can't be used for books, food or housing; all items that make up a significant portion of college tuition. And for the poorest students in Texas and in San Antonio, it may not do much to get them into college. Still, the overall attitude of most of San Antonio Schools families seems to be that they need all the help they can get. With college cost rising, and even upper middle class families struggling meet tuition, its not surprising that scores of San Antonio families are eagerly anticipating the new plan.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog31746
Aubrette Blog10272

Finding The Right Piano Study Technique

Learning to play the piano can be trying at times. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out, or if you have played for years, sometimes it feels like you just aren't getting anywhere at all. And, no matter how long you sit and study and play the piano, you are bombarded with the old adage "Practice makes perfect". But, how can you study the piano if you aren't really sure what you're supposed to be doing? Well, every good piano player should know that studying the piano is more than just practicing. Studying the piano involves playing all different works to help your fingers continually train and stretch, reading through music and understanding every work before you master it, how long you can practice, and how well you can use your study time.

Every piano player needs to find the study technique(s) that will help them to learn better and faster, and usually it's trial and error that will point this out to you. Some piano instructors will help you find the right study technique by giving you several tips and ideas that helped them, while others will simply tell you to "go home and practice". But, if you are not playing correctly while you are practicing, you are simply defeating the whole purpose of practice. So, how do you know what to do when studying the piano?

Study Techniques To Help You Improve

While there are millions of ways to study the piano, there are some techniques that will always provide help to any player, new or old:

Make sure that your practice area is free of all distractions, such as the television, phone, loud music, and even other people if needed. Having a quiet place to read, study, and practice can help you more than anything while you are learning.

Read through your music or assignment. Every piano instructor will either assign you or show you some great practice suggestions for your study at home. There is a reason for these, and you should always do any practice pieces at home when you can.

Study and practice the piano every day. No matter if you can only set aside thirty minutes per day to study, you need to be sure that you are practicing each day. Once you have your study time down, you should continue to study at that same time, every day.

When you sit down to practice, make sure that the sheet music is easy for you to read and that you have enough light to see it. There is no need to strain your eyes or try to play something that you can't read.

When you are working on learning a long piece, don't try to cram it all in at one study session. You should break it up into smaller pieces and learn each of them in order so you will be prepared and ready to play the whole thing through.

As you break down each section in the piece, you should play through them slowly at first, making sure that each note, pitch, melody, tune, and rhythm is right and in the right spot. There is no need to study that piece if you play the same mistakes over and over. By practicing each work correctly, and slowly, for a few times, you're fingers will know where to go and what to do when they get there.

When you have a good study session, you should reward yourself by playing something that you already know and love after something new and hard. By playing something that you are already good at, you will bolster your self esteem and let you know that you are a good piano player, and practice will have you playing this new, hard piece in no time too.

You should take your teacher's suggestions and tips home with you. By using their advice, you will find all sorts of new avenues of study and play that you didn't know before. After all, it took them years of practice and study to get where they are, so they have done something right!

Find a musical dictionary. This will help you study your pieces the right way by telling you what each Italian term on your music means, such as Allegro vivace, so you don't get confused while practicing or playing. Knowing what the original composer meant and wanted that particular line to sound like will help you become a better player.

Experiment. Use different study techniques until you find some that work for you. Everyone has different ways of learning, whether it's by reading all about the piano and the work that you are trying to learn, or whether it's sitting down and playing it over and over until you get it right and can play it in your sleep, each different piano player will have to experiment to find that perfect study technique for them.

Listen, Learn, and Play

While you are in class, you should always listen to your piano instructor. This means that you should soak in everything you possibly can, from new techniques that you need to master to where the next good piano concert will be and when. By knowing new techniques that you can use, you will find that you'll be able to get these new techniques into your routine and help you on the road to becoming a better piano player. By attending some of the better piano concerts around your area, you will have time to study each different piano player and see how they play, read, study, and much more. When you are able to watch the better piano players, you will become better as well, as you should learn something from each different performance.

Once you have found a few new techniques for studying the piano, you can take them all home and try them out on your instrument. Make sure that you either memorize the techniques or that you write them down before you stop your practice for the day. By memorizing or writing down the new technique that you have learned that day, you are less likely to forget it the next morning.

Mandi Weems is an expert author for the new resource for piano players, Free Piano Sheet Music To view other great articles she has written, visit the Tutorials section at Free Piano Sheet Music.Ariana Blog67968
Anny Blog83487

How Many Clicks You Do To Wipe File?

Some facts about file security in Windows

If you concerned about your privacy then I'm sure you know about file shredders and what they do. These tools address the security problems associated with deletion operation. In Windows operation system user cannot do a secure deletion of files. This means that anyone who has access to your computer or to the hard disk of your computer can recover your deleted files.

Let me list some facts and questions that often discussed when we talk about secure deletion of files.

The first fact is that any deleted file can be recovered. There is no need to buy expensive tools, even freeware file recovery utility can do this job for you or for other person.

The second fact is that pressing delete + shift keys dont make file irrecoverable. Anyone can still recover your sensitive information.

The third fact is that emptying Recycle Bin will not help secure your files too.

So why developers of operation system dont include this feature? A good question, and the answer is that we actually dont want all files to be irrecoverable. There is a chance that you might delete some really important file. Developers of operation system give you a choice to use or not to use file shredders. Those who are concerned about security prefer to user file shredders.

Tools to wipe sensitive files

There are a lot of ways to secure your files. Some works well, other dont actually help. The most popular approach is wiping free disk space regularly. This is a good idea, but you must have in mind that you will be able to wipe free space only in the end of working day or week, so some files and information could be recovered before this. Also, some software products silently delete and create files, so wiping free space is not a 100% guaranty of file security. Our research shows that wiping free space will cover only 90% of all deleted information. What are others 10%? Its temporary files and cached files. In other words its your sensitive data and internet browser history. More over, wiping free space is a routine, time-taking computer task that may be a real hassle for your security administrator.

Another idea is to use a file shredder every time you wish to securely delete your file. Its a great idea as you know what files are really important and should be deleted without possibility to recover. The bad news is that you will need to do some additional steps to process file to file shredder. But in most cases it is just few more clicks. Not a big price to stay secure.

Analyze your security risks

Actually, there are some security holes. First, we should consider files that are created by programs silently, these files can be a cached data or temporary file that office programs always creates. In this case file shredder simply doesnt know what to wipe! As temporary file may actually appear at your hard disk for a second, but will contain a valuable information.

For sure, wiping free space is performing better, but remember that it will wipe only space that is actually free. It will not consider cached data (the history and cache or your internet browser), it will not consider some sectors just because the shredder could damage your data.

Another security risk is remote users that may access your hard disk by network. You dont know what do these users do, if they delete files or not. Due to security limitation, these users will not be able to use a file shredder at your hard disk.

Wiping free space does it work for temporary and cached files?

What you need to look at is a file shredder that works in background mode. Actually, you need a file shredder that will capture all deletion operation that your system do. In this case, you wont need to drop files to file shredder, as it captures all deletion operation and can see all file that you do delete. Also, the problem of temporary files will be solved as other program utilize a common system interface to delete files and it will be possible to capture all operations with temporary and cached files.

More file security risks

Are temporary and cached file a great security risk? Actually, they are. For instance, temporary files of office wording tools contains a copy of all file text data. So anyone who recover temporary file will have access to your sensitive data. For sure, wiping free space can do 90% of job you need to be done for deleted sensitive files, but there are still from 2-5% of files that could be recovered and might contain sensitive information.

For instance, if you clear cookies or cache of your web-browser, you cannot use file shredder utility. Also, the hard disk space dedicate to cached file will still be occupied, this means that wipe free space will not actually secure this information. In this case only background mode file shredder will be able to wipe files in a proper way.

When to drill your hard disk?

Its a good idea to use background mode file shredder to stay secure now. Does this method guaranty 100% privacy? Actually not. There still might be some chance of recovering files. So, if you will ever need to completely destroy data, then you will need to destroy computer hard disk physically. As for other purposes, for instance when you need to provide day to day file security using background file shredder is a great option.

Protect your privacy now!

Actually, it was the art when only security admin knew about tools we had to use. Various file shredders, wiping free space every weekend and so on. For now, ask your security admin to install a background mode file shredder and forget about your security risks. Well, you still might face a problem as wiping operation is a little longer that deletion. So it would be great if you could fine tune your shredder to wipe only specific files or files within a specific location. In this way you will save your time and will still stay secure.

Bob Elliott is security consultant at AKS-Labs software development company. His interests include sensitive file security, security policies, preventing information leakages, security audit methods. AKS-Labs has developed Shred Agent, a background-mode file shredder that is available for free download at Blog8173
Anthia Blog28283

Army Correspondence Courses - Preparing For Your Future

The United States Army is an education-driven force. Whether you plan on a career in the Armed Forces or not, Army correspondence courses are available to prepare you for your future career.

The Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)

The Army Correspondence Course Program helps you keep your skills current and prepare for advancement in your military career. As you complete modules, you earn points toward promotion. Each module has several subcourses in it that you complete one at a time.

The Army Correspondence Course Program gives you training specific to your professional field. You can take courses for skill qualification development or to advance in your MOS, too.


eArmyU is a program that the Army sponsors that allows you to take college courses over the internet on your off-duty time. eArmyU helps you prepare for a future non-military career, or to simply take courses for your own personal interest and development.

Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)

DANTES provides military personell with educational opportunities compatible with the military lifestyle. You can take career training or college courses through several different DANTES programs. DANTES is very cutting edge and innovative in the way education is delivered to deployed troops. They utilize traditional learning, satellite courses, e-learning, video, courses that you can download to a PDA and even Podcast classes.

Many colleges and universities are authorized to provide distance learning through DANTES. You can take specific courses that you need for degree completion, earn a college degree, or take vocational career training through DANTES sponsored educational providers.

Military lifestyle makes traditional education difficult. Your education can be interrupted at any time by deployment or transfer. The Army has educational programs to compensate for that by providing courses in a distance-learning format.

If you plan on continuing your military career you can prepare for promotion and advancement through the Army Correspondence Course Program. You can even enter the Green to Gold Enlisted Commissioning program by earning a degree and entering Officer Training.

If you do not plan on continuing in the military, you can prepare for a post-military career. Army correspondence courses will help you.

Disadvantages of Online Courses

Online learning has some disadvantages, too. Some people learn better in a traditional classroom. They need the live interaction with an instructor and other students. Online classes may try to simulate classroom interaction, but they cannot duplicate it.

In order to succeed at online learning, you have to have some specific skills. You have to be self-motivated, responsible for your own learning and have good time management skills. If you don't have those skills, traditional classes may be a better choice for you.

One huge disadvantage of online courses, especially if you are talking about e-learning grids and virtual educational communities, is accessibility. Not everyone has ready access to a computer with an internet connection. Without that access, online learning is hard.

Online education is so portable and flexible for so many people that it's easy to miss the disadvantages. If online education were the best choice for every person every time, we wouldn't need brick-and-mortar schools, would we? There are both advantages and disadvantages of online courses.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs.Adriaens Blog12371
Cammie Blog69726


What to look for in cutting-edge technology for MP3 players

There are so many types of MP3 players out on the market today that it can be quite confusing to know what the best brands are for the price. In addition, many of the players come with different features and varying specs on things like the signal-to-noise ratio.

So how do you tell the good from the bad, and then the ugly?

First, consider your needs. What will you mainly use the player for? Listening to music while commuting to work or maybe while out pumping iron or on the treadmill. These factors can make a difference in the type and quality of MP3 player that you should buy.

After you have decided what your needs are, the next step is to consider what type of player is best for you. If you are going to be exercising, you will want a player that is not prone to loosing good sound quality due to excessive vibration

To save money on a player it would help to know how long you plan on listening to music at any given time. For some people this is not a quantifiable thing. For others they may have a pretty good idea. For example, you go to the gym for about forty-five minutes at a time. This is basically the only place that you anticipate using your player, and thus you would want an MP3 player that has enough memory to play enough songs that you won’t be hearing any song more than once. In this case you would want to go with a player that has roughly 32MB in it.

If however, you can’t predict how long you will be listening to your music at any time, then you may want to opt for the 64MB MP3 player. One of the biggest issues when choosing your player is the amount of memory. Just make sure you get enough for what you need.

Philip is a logistic consultant and owner of where you can find the best quality and price for wholesale electronics sold to the individual or company.Anna Maria Blog20405
Arluene Blog58225

Kitchen Remodeling As A Home Improvement Project

People who are considering doing some home improvement will be intereseted to know that the money you spend in order to complete your project is eligible for tax deduction. It is very important to know exactly what you are doing in your home improvement process, however, as home improvement is different from home repair. In the case of the tax deduction, home imporvement will qualify for the reduced rate, but home repair will not. It is imperative to know the difference between what constitutes repair and improvement.

SImply put, home improvement is an addition that will add to the appearance and the quality of your house. Items that fall under this category include things like kitchen remodeling, adding a fence to your yard, adding a swimming pool, extending a wing on your house and including a new room or two, building a garge, adding a porch or deck, installing new insulation, or upgrading heating and cooling systems. All of these upgrades are considered to be capital expenses.

Home repair, on the other hand, is in a different category. Home repair is a project that is undertaken in order to prevent the decay of your property. It does not add value to the house, instead it prevents the value from going down. This includes things like repairing holes in the walls or broken windows. These repairs correct a problem, and therefore are not considered eligible for tax benefits.

Ther is a way, however, that you can include your home repairs in your home improvement deduction. A clause in the act states that if an area of the house in need of repair is in the same area in which remodeling is taking place, the project undertaker is allowed to claim teh entire project as an improvement. Basically, if you are remodeling the kitchen, remember to fix the leaks in the roof and then claim the repair as part of the improvement.

Timing is definitely a factor when it comes to home improvement. The best time to do some upgrades to your home will be when interst rates are low. The lower rates mean that in the long run, the person using a loan to finance their improvemets will be able to spend less money. Refinancing is one way that many people secure the money to spend on their project. Loans secured in this way can be deducted in the same year as the refinance as points. If the proceeds of the refinancing are not used to improve a house, then points towards the improvement can be deducted over the life of the loan. If a project only uses a part of the loan that was taken out, then the deduction is considered proportional, with the remainder being taken off over the life of the mortgage. It is important to keep in mind that the points which are not taken off by the time the loan expires are usually deductible according to the percent rate in the final year.

Improving your home, in the end, will always add value. It is important in terms of saving some extra money that the home owner is aware of what can be deducted and what cannot.

Peter J. Wilson very often edits detailed articles on things relating to cabinets and decorating. His work on kitchen remodeling can be discovered on and also other web sites.Becka Blog26504
Alejandrina Blog52333

I Realized That Instead Of Willpower, I Was Stuck With A Whole Bunch Of Wontpower!

Like many other people, Ive lived most of my life with an eating disorder. However, I really didnt know until recently which one it really was. Writer, doctors, and experts will go on and on about the topic through the clinical eyes of an observer. Theyll tell you that there are three different types of eating disorders; anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive eating or bingeing. Theyll define them just like their books tell them as if the three are totally separate diseases and they never mention how most people with eating disorders either combine the three, or trade off and make these disorders their own. I even remember reading articles in magazines about them which instead of dissuading me from continuing in my habits, actually ended up giving me tips and new ideas that I hadnt tried before. You might even read in those clinical diagnosis that eating disorders are directly related to vanity or narcissism. But the truth is, is that they dont know spit because they havent been there... theyve just read about it.

I used to think that my eating disorder began right before I started high school when I was 13 years old. I had been overweight all throughout middle school and was constantly made fun of to the point of paralyzing fear of going to school and having to hear the word fat. So it suddenly came to me as if an epiphany, a concept or thought that I had never thought of before for some odd reason... why dont I just not eat! So I started dieting and became more and more compulsive about it. My mother encouraged it, thought it was a great idea! So the summer between middle school and high school I dropped about 15-20 pounds or so and I had just happened to have grown at least 3 inches.

So I went back to school that year and all of the sudden I was suddenly beautiful and loved and admired! My mom even paid more attention to me and in a different way than she had before. She was always commenting on how good I looked, bragging to her friends and coworkers about me, and offering to go shopping more. Now, she never told me when I was younger that I looked bad or that I wasnt as good of a person because I looked the way I had or that overweight people were disgusting. However, by suddenly giving me all of this attention and making me feel beautiful and confident because I had become thin... she basically might as well have.

So once you not only stop being tortured for being fat, but are complimented left and right on how you look... you get high on it! Its a rush that I had never felt before and I never wanted it to end. I never wanted to go back to being that fat, scared and insecure girl again. So those thoughts kept me going... kept me not eating... kept me becoming more and more obsessed with my weight and what people thought of me, because thats all that mattered. What other people thought about how I looked defined me as a person. Forget the awesome sense of humor, the immense creativity and talent that I had, or the straight As that I always got... it meant nothing if I wasnt pretty.

But, being the same girl that I had been in middle school, just a grown-up and thinner version of her, eventually all I wanted to do again was eat! It became, screw this, Ive been good for this long, I deserve to eat like everyone else gets to, like my friends do. So I started indulging in my vice again, making excuses after excuses to myself that it was ok, I wasnt gaining weight, my jeans were just tight from the dryer... and on and on. And eventually, I gained a lot of the weight back. (Of course I was about four inches taller than I was in middle school so I carried my weight a little differently, but it still had come back.) Suddenly there was this horrible, petrifying, slap-in-the-face moment when I realized that I had been kidding myself for however many months, and I had let myself get fat again.

Now to everyone else I probably just looked a little thicker or more curvy, but to me I looked like that awful, scared, fat little girl from middle school. I felt disgusting in my own skin. How could I have let myself get this way again, Im such an idiot!? Then I think it was somewhere in my junior year of high school that I had another epiphany... I could eat anything I wanted if I just threw it up afterwards! Duh, why hadnt I thought of this before!?

At first it was hard and I physically couldnt make myself do it (its not as easy as some people think). But after alot of practicing and getting my little tips from tv and magazine articles, I became a pro. I knew exactly what it took to make me able to throw up, and that was making myself so full to the point where I felt likeI was going to throw up anyway. So this lead to bingeing, which made me happy again like I was pulling the wool over everyones eyes because I could eat all of the horrible foods that I loved without actually having to digest them. What a friggin miracle!

So I started losing weight again and getting my beloved compliments again and got my confidence back. I even got invited to the senior prom which led to a new and older boyfriend. But then after awhile of this lifestyle of bingeing and purging, it really started to affect and interfere with everything. The whole process took a long time in itself. And I always had to worry about hiding it from everyone. Then it became a problem getting enough food to fill me up (because my stomach had stretched so much), which eventually led to stealing. Eventually I got sick of making myself throw up (no pun intended). It was a process for me. I would take me minutes of siking myself up to do it. Then minutes turned into a half hour, and then an hour and sometimes I would even procrastinat so long that I would fall asleep and wake up in a panic that I had poisoned my body by digesting all of the food that I had just eaten. So as my ability to be able to stand making myself throw up diminished, again my weight would come back.

At one point just before going off to college, I stopped bingeing and purging all together and started exercising. But it just became another excuse to eat what I wanted, what I felt I deserved because I had had it so much harder than the other girls my age who could eat whatever they wanted and it never interfered with their lives. So at that point it wasnt really about being healthy, it was ,how many calories do I have to burn off to eat THAT? I gained even more weight.

So I cycled like this for years, all throughout my early twenties. And I was miserable during the years when youre supposed to be having the most fun youll ever have in your life. I actually tried getting hooked on cigarettes so that I could have a different, more socially acceptable vice... didnt work! As many times as Ive tried throughout my life, luckily I cant get addicted to nicotine for some reason. I had the alcoholism gene coming at me from every side of my family. Dont get me wrong, I could get hammered with the best of them and party on the weekends, but alcoholism never got me either. I did smoke pot everyday or every other day for a couple of years (I had never had a rebellious period during my high school days, so I thought Id try to have one in college)... but eventually one night I had just smoked with my friend and then I went onto the computer to do some work. After staring at the screen for awhile and not being able to remember what I was supposed to be doing, I realized...IM STUPID! Pot makes me stupid! I never did it again. I so desperately tried to find another vice, one to replace the one that I didnt want to admit I already had. I was addicted to food!

Finally, I had another epiphany, but this time it was a good one, a life altering one... I was a compulsive eater. I was a compulsive eater that was trying to cover it up and make up for it weight-wise in every and any way that I could by compulsively dieting or bingeing and purging but when it came down to it, I was addicted to food. I was so desperate to never go back to being that overweight girl in middle school that got made fun of all the time, went home crying, never voiced any of her opinions or drew any unnecessary attention to herself because she didnt want anyone to notice and point out her horrible, disgusting body.

So, it wasnt until I was 26, after a suicide attempt, being in and out of therapy, being on and off of all different kinds of antidepressants that I finally got proactive. I asked my doctor to switch me from my current medication (which was kind of making me less depressed, but not suppressing that need to eat all the time and was making me gain more weight than I ever had before in my life.) I asked him to put me on a medication that I had read up on that was actually prescribed to people who were trying to quit smoking and other compulsive behaviors.

Within the first week or two I felt different. I realized that I really didnt have the urge to eat when I wasnt hungry. I actually new for the first time what it felt like to be actually hungry, and not because I was starving myself but just because it was time for my next meal (what a concept)! I actually learned what it meant to just eat when I was hungry... which is something most of the world knows, but guess what, I DIDNT! I had been so obsessed over controlling my weight and over food and how to eat without gaining weight that I just hadnt been listening to my body. I was so preoccupied with having the willpower to not eat or to binge and purge that I hadnt realized it had all turned into a big stockpile of wontpower. I had trained myself not to listen to my body because I didnt trust myself to know anything on its own. I had let myself trick myself into thinking so many destructive thoughts that had no more will at all.

So I started to think back to when I was really young. I went through a lot of crap when I was a kid but I tried to think, when did i start being obsessed with food?, when did I start being that overweight kid? And I found it! It was during my mothers second, very violent and very nasty divorce which left us living in one room of the house for months with locks installed all the way up the door to keep my moms soon-to-be ex-husband out. I was only 6 or 7 at the time. I guess I didnt know how to deal with this horrorthat was happening around me, and I remember becoming obsessed with sweets. And it wasnt in a cute, out in the open kind of way... I started hiding it right away. I was immediately ashamed of it because somehow I thought it was wrong. And as the years went on and we were poor and living in horrible apartments, my mom would always yell at me for eating all of the food, but I couldnt help it. It had become my way of coping with our horrible situation. And from then on it became my problem... a problem that almost killed me... a problem that made people distrust me because I was stealing for it... a problem that kept me from being myself... a problem that I tried to kill myself over because I couldnt stand living life with that problem anymore.

Of course we can all blame it one our moms, or on society, or on the models on the covers of Glamour or Seventeen magazine, or on the measurements of our Barbie dolls. But the truth is, is that everybody has their own combination of things that make them the way they are. And it applies to everyone; drug addicts, alcoholics, obsessive-compulsives, your neat-freak mother, and any other label you can think of. In the end you just have to figure out what made you the way you are or made you have the problems that you are having. And not so you have something to blame everything on, but so you know it didnt just come out of thin air, you just werent born this way, you arent just different from everyone else. And once you know that you feel a little less helpless against it, against your obsession, against your eating disorder.

It took me over twenty years to realize what I had to figure out... it took me about 5 minutes to actually figure it out. So once you know your problem, you can deal with it. Im not saying its easy from there on. Its not something you can look up in a book like these doctors and therapists and writers who have never experienced anything even close to a life consuming obsession like an eating disorder. Its something specific to you, and with some help you can learn how to work with your newfound knowledge and make your life livable... and actual life... one that isnt overridden with your obsession because you think that it is more important than your actual self... because its not. Life couldnt have been created so that we could torture ourselves. If it was, the whole human race would have killed itself off a long time ago! So, as I always say... give yourself a friggin break, because no one else is gonna give ya one for you!

Amanda Julynn, originally from the New York City music scene and is a recognized aficionado in the world of music. Her web site, was inspired by her passion for music. If you have a passion you'd like to write about, discover how to turn it into a profitable Web site like Amanda has. Visit to learn more.Alyse Blog30152
Augusta Blog7775

10 Year, 20 Year And 30 Year Term Life Insurance

Let us take a look at the 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies.

You know, you have a bunch of great policies that the public can choose from, however, for some reason there are certain ones that just stand out. They tend to stand way above all level term life insurance policies. Sometimes I wonder why. Don't misunderstand what I am saying here, the 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies are great policies but so are the 15 year and 25 year term life policies.

20 Year Term Life Insurance

Why would the breadwinner of a family consider the 20 year term first? I guess the choice depends on the point in time that this person decides to buy. In some cases there is a new baby in the family, perhaps the first child. These young people are so overjoyed at the presence of this newborn they just want to do everything possible to protect their new bundle of joy. 20 years sounds like a good period of time to plan for so off they go and buy their 20 year term life insurance policy. A 25 year or a 30 year term life insurance policy probably would have done just as well but they choose the 20 year policy.

30 Year Term Life Insurance

Why would one choose a 30 year term life insurance policy. Keep in mind the 3 most outstanding term policies are the 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies. I think that people buy the 30 year term life insurance policy because they simply choose to look further ahead. These people look as far ahead as the college years. They want to be assured that the children are well protected right up until graduation from college. Sometimes they plan to have sufficient cash to give each child a start after graduation as well.

Business people often choose the 30 year term life insurance policy over the other policy types as they want to do their insurance buying now and not think about it any more for a while. They should rethink their insurance needs every year but at the outset they choose the 30 year term anyway.

Some of the buyers examine the 10, year, 20 year and 30 year term live insurance policies and choose the 30 year policy because they are acutely aware that if a shorter term was chosen they may outlive their policies. They may still need insurance thereafter and possibly may not qualify for it.

10 Year Term Life Insurance

The 10 year term life insurance policy is usually chosen for one of 2 reasons. It is quite inexpensive thus more people can afford it. They buy this policy intending to buy one for a longer period of time sometime in the future. If they are unable to qualify for the new policy in the future the life insurance company may allow them to convert to a permanent policy. This, of course, would be by contractual agreement. Buy buying the 10 year term policy they at least have the coverage now. They can feel more secure.

The other reason why the 10 year term policy may be chosen above the others is that the purchaser is buying his or her first policy later on in life. Your youngest is now a teenager and you are aware that you are getting older. The 10 year policy will guarantee that this child will have sufficient cash to help him or her through high school and college.

The 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies are great policies. Give them some thought when you feel you need some life insurance.

For additional information on 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance go to:

For more than 40 years Donald Lusan has been known for his extensive knowledge of the life insurance business. He has represented some of the largest and most admired life insurance companies in the United States as well as Canada. His advice is invaluable.Alikee Blog40817
Ceil Blog67760

The Value of a Computer Information Systems Degree

The invention of computers has changed the world. In this, the computer age, almost everything we do involves computers and the Internet. Communication, business, entertainment, and other aspects of human life rely on computers and related technology. Its essential for people to adapt to the computer revolution by making themselves familiar with computer related knowledge. Computer information systems degree and similar courses can provide people with opportunities to benefit from the influence of computers.

Many parents these days are encouraging their children to consider a computer information systems degree for their future career. Parents can sense the trends of the present job market and they know that computer related degrees are a wonderful way of approaching college. A computer information systems degree provides a person with valuable knowledge that are in demand in most modern businesses. Knowledge about computers in todays world gives a person an edge over individuals who are computer illiterate.

I have a brother who was fond of computer games when he was a child. His interests influenced him to go after a computer systems information degree in college and these days he has got himself a lucrative business. It was amazing to see him progress through his schooling. He was very dedicated and interested in his course and earned his degree in a short period of time. My brother has certainly made a wise decision in pursuing a computer information systems degree.

The use of computers is still expanding. The present trends clearly show that computers will continue to play a major role in human life. If you want to be familiar with computers by taking up a computer systems information degree, you can hop on the Internet and discover the available opportunities. Start working your way towards a wonderful computer career via a computer information systems degree.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning computer. Get more information by visiting Blog76167
Annissa Blog86030

New Age Music - How It's Made

Different styles of music have different "sounds." We can all pretty much agree on that point. For example, Jazz uses seventh chords almost exclusively. This, and the kind of chord progressions used in Jazz gives it its unique flavor. But what about new age music? Does it have it's own special ingredients?

Yes it does.

Now, there are no hard and fast rules here but for the most part, new age music is a consonant music. That is, there is little or noharshness going on in the music. No Saxes wailing and what not. Having said that we can eliminate most of the tense jazz chords and their voicing. So what are we left with? Mostly Major and minor chords based on the regular scales and the modes. The chord progressions are simpler and usually start on the l chord. No ll-V-l progressions here.

What about melody? In jazz, we have a soloist who usually plays a lot of chromatic notes. This is rare in new age music because it would create dissonance. New age melodies tend to be softer and more on the spiritual side. Solos, if there are any, are not so much concerned with the expression of the self than they are with letting the music express itself. A subtle but very important distinction. Jazz players may have some ego invested in their performance. New age musicians learn to let the music play them. They learn to become a channel for the music itself allowing it to speak through them. Of course, I'm not saying that this can't happen in Jazz, but, just watch a Jazz performer and you'll see what I mean.

Last but not least is rhythm. Let's do a comparison/contrast between Jazz and New Age music. Jazz has a definite discernible rhythm. It is what makes Jazz Jazz. New age music can have a pattern or an underlying rhythm to the music. It can be used to create trance like states in the listener. Drums are usually a part of Jazz music. Percussion is mostly absent from the New Age sound simply because it would not add to the atmosphere most New Age musicians create. Timing is very important to the Jazz musician. The soloist has the freedom to play whatever he wants as long as he maintains the meter and stays in time. New Age music is more elastic in that timing is there, but is not a master of the player. The New Age player can disregard time altogether.

Just listen to Zen flute music as a good example of this. Now, what does all this mean for the aspiring New Age musician? A couple of good things. It means that there is a definite new age "sound" out there. That it is here to stay and that people like and need to hear it. And it means that there are some guidelines out there for what defines the meaning of New Age music.

Article written by Edward Weiss.

Edward WeissBerti Blog52315
Bibbye Blog31086

Do This And You Will Lose A Lot Of Traffic

To make money online and earn financial freedom from your online business, all you need is lots of traffic to your website. No traffic simply means no business. It is just as simple as that - but it is not so simple to get that traffic.

Most business owner fail miserably to make money online just because they could not get enough traffic to their website. And some do stupid mistakes by not taking good care of their incoming traffic.

1) Annoying your potential customer

Do not annoy your customers by presenting products on your website that are marked "Sold" or pages that say "Under Construction" or "Coming Soon." What is the point for you to show this page to your customer anyway? You will not make any money online doing this way and your credibility as a business owner will drop drastically.

Do add new content frequently so returning customers will not be bored by seeing the same products they saw four months ago. If your site is dated or has current references, be careful to change these references frequently so you don't give the perception that your site is gathering dust.

2) Broadcast too many emails to customer

"Money Is In The List", there is no doubt about that. But if you always send them email everyday about your offer, your customer feels that you only want to sell your things without taking care on what they want. You will lose a lot of money online. Plus, you will receive a lot of "Unsubsribe" click more than you could make one.

3) Lazy to keep track of any changes to your website

When you make changes to your site and resubmit your pages to search engine and directory services, document what you have changed and when you submitted your edited pages. Keeping track of these changes and submissions will help you understand why a particular ranking may increase or decrease.

4) Did not provide any benefit for customer

Before joining or buying any product or services, people will ask "What's in it for me?" Fail to answer this question, you will not make money online.

Offer additional value on your website for affiliates and partners. You can place links to their sites and products, for example, and ask them to do the same for you. In addition, you can advertise affiliate or partner books or videos if these products relate to your industry, and are not in competition with your own product or service line.

5) Using unrelated keyword for website

If your website is about "cat food", it will not make any sense if you are using "healthy food lifestyle" in your content. Search engines consider where you place your keywords, and how many times you use them, in order to figure out your ranking and the relevancy of your site to a customer search request. You want to be ranked as high as possible on the search engine list, so place keywords in the page titles and Meta tags and early in the content of your page.

It does not need a rocket scientist to figure out how to get a lot of traffic. You need to have an attitude of helping other people to make money online. With the right mind set and burning desire, you will have that quality traffic coming to your website freely.

Izrul Fizal has made a living earning himself a residual income every month. Get your FREE Special Report on creating an Automated Internet Business Model to Make Money Online at and http://www.highprofitbizz.comBrittan Blog90059
Amalle Blog42553

Which Veterinary School Is Right For You?

No matter whether you are only considering or sure that you want to follow a veterinary career, there will be a veterinary school or collage that will suit you. To become a veterinarian you will have to attend a school or collage just as doctors have to attend a medical school.

In the U.S, there are more than 50 veterinary schools and colleges that you could perhaps enroll in; they're located in numerous states, Florida, New York, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Oregon, California, Colorado, Virginia and Wyoming, to name just a few. Veterinary schools and colleges can also be found in Canada and the United Kingdom, in fact, nearly anywhere in the world. Should being a veterinarian be your destiny, then you should research the all the veterinary schools and colleges to discover which one is best suited to you.

What Will I Be Taught At Veterinary School?

If you wish to qualify as a veterinarian, then it will be necessary for you to attend a veterinary school or college in order for you to obtain the many skills that are crucial to this career. In a veterinary school or college, you will get the chance to be taught the many different practices and techniques that will assist you greatly in your knowledge of veterinary science. You will acquire knowledge concerning the basics of animal care. You will also acquire knowledge concerning veterinary laboratory procedures that you will employ as a professional veterinarian. Various other topics that will be covered in a veterinary school or college will include veterinary hematology and veterinary pharmacology. Training will also be received in the many clinical veterinary procedures.

Not all of your time will be spent learning from the lectures and textbooks. Most veterinary schools and collages will require its students to also complete a residency in addition to the classes, this is where students will learn, observe and be involved with hands on activities. Residencies offer some of the best experiences for student veterinarians.

Do You Specialize or Not Specialize?

Like doctors have the opportunity to choose to specialize in the varied areas of medical field, veterinarians also have this opportunity too. For instance, a veterinarian could choose to specialize in veterinary dental care or in veterinary cardiology. The choices are endless - howsoever, often specializing will require a specific program or additional veterinary school or collage course work.

Only you will be able to determine whether or not it is worth the extra investment and time to specialize in a particular area. To specialize in veterinary dental care would mean that you would have to find a specific program that offers that training and to specialize in veterinary cardiology may require a much longer residency.

To find help and advice for all things veterinarian visit Jose Havers veterinary website. Here you will find help about everything from pet care and treatments to veterinary careers advice. Click here: http://www.oshsveterinary.comAntonietta Blog50169
Cathe Blog24149

3 Secrets Schools Never Teach You to Get Your Research Paper Written Fast!

If you are like most students you have too many classes, too much work, and not enough time in which to do it. Unfortunately, schools do not teach students many tips and tricks for writing research papers or term papers quickly.

Because of a large course-load or tight time constraints, students sometimes feel pressured to produce a research paper quickly, and without the tools to do it themselves, many times they turn to plagiarism, or buy plagiarized papers, and submitting them as their own. This obviously has a detrimental affect on their education. These three secrets will help you feel prepared in the event you face a looming research paper or term paper deadline.

Secret #1) Topic selection is vitally important to the overall speed at which you ultimately compose your entire paper. Unknown to most students, topic selection has a huge impact on the total time it takes to write any college paper. The best topic (all else being equal) is the one that is easiest and fastest to write a paper about.

The right topic must provide plenty of research materials. If you cant find sufficient quality resources, you may have to start all over again, or change your thesis statement so you have more to write about. Youll finish faster overall, if you spend extra time at the beginning of the process researching, planning, and validating your topic.

Secret #2) Perform extremely efficient library research. It is called a research paper, after all. Researching your subject efficiently and effectively is the single most important factor in your overall writing time. The more efficiently you perform research, the more solid resources youll find. The more resources to draw from, the easier your paper is to write. The paper quality (and grade) will improve in proportion to the amount and quality of material upon which to draw in support of your thesis statement.

It is also very important to organize your resources efficiently. All of us have had the experience of getting to the paper compiling or writing stage, only to find that we didnt capture information that we were looking at earlier in the day. Either we didnt bring the book home from the library, didnt take proper notes on it, and / or failed to photocopy the materials. It is important to develop an efficient system to:

* capture your findings
* sort through them for relevance
* extract the key data
* save them for later reference

Secret #3) Know when to write an outline, or skip it. Outlines can help you immensely, or be a complete waste of your time, depending on the circumstances. The trick is to identify and understand which situation you are in. This is another area where traditional wisdom is dead wrong. High schools and universities always teach that you should write an outline. It is considered (by them) to be a critical step in planning a research paper or term paper.

Outlines are like roadmaps, they show you where you are going. At first glance, this makes sense. On the other hand, how many times do you get into your vehicle without first consulting a map? Did you need it? Probably not; it depends on the length of the trip, and the complexity of the route.

Weve all had the experience of taking a map on a road trip, using it, and finding ourselves completely confused. It happens all the time, with road trips, and with writing research papers for school. Sometime highly detailed outlines look great! But then you find yourself having a very difficult time making your paper resemble the outline. The harder you try, the more stymied you get. So understanding when to create an outline, and when to skip it, is a real source of confusion.


Secrets - they help! The more secrets, the better, and the faster you complete your writing assignments. Put these three secrets to work, and you will write research papers faster than you ever thought possible!

Ryan Harris is a co-founder of Rapid Research Papers (, a college student resource for students of all ages who struggle with their term paper and research paper assignments, providing information on how to write a research paper fast! Bellanca Blog68305
Arlyn Blog63327

By using Anti Aging skin care treatments you will uncover remarkably young healthy skin

By using Anti Aging skin care treatments you will uncover remarkably young healthy skin

It's inevitable that we'll all get older, but with a little luck and skin care products, we should be able to do so gracefully. Increasingly, every day, there are new anti aging skin care treatments on the market that will help with anti aging and rejuvenation. Although the visible signs of age begin to appear commonly around the age of 30 depending on the genetic factors involved and your lifestyle, many of these skin care treatments can help rejuvenate your skin. Some common antiaging skincare treatments include skin care supplements, and external skin creams and lotions that can help reduce signs of aging and assist in the rejuvenation of your skin's beauty. Supplements are an antiaging skin care treatment that you take internally, to help in the rejuvenation of your skin's beauty. These are various minerals, herbs and vitamins that help rejuvenate your skin and reduce wrinkles, dry skin and perhaps even sagging.As the largest organ of your body, your skin is both your protection and your mirror to the world. Therefore, it should be glowing and healthy, to reflect overall good health. Simply put, if you're healthy and vibrant, it shows on your face.

In addition to the supplements that you take internally, it also must do battle with the outside elements, so that the sun, wind and pollution, for example, can make it very difficult to keep healthy. Although young skin rejuvenates quickly and does not show the stress of this exposure to the elements, older skin does not rejuvenate this quickly and begins to show the stress it has undergone. As we age, cell turnover slows and skin wrinkles begin to appear. Skin also begins to lose its elasticity.

Proper antiaging nutrition and supplementation can help with this. To keep your skin healthy its youthful and radiant best, supply it with as much anti aging skin care treatments as possible. You need the proper amount of healthy calories that come from a balanced diet, including protein, fruits, vegetables and good fats such as omega-3s, as well as certain vitamins and minerals. In addition, you need adequate water to help flush out toxins and hydrate your skin.

Various nutrients can also affect your skin and hair's health. Extra-virgin olive oil contains an essential fat called linoleic acid that can help you maintain smooth skin and healthy hair. You should also strive to have a low-fat diet that has just the right amounts of "good" fats, such as the omega-3s contained in fish oil or nuts, such as sunflower seeds, in it to avoid dry and scaly skin. Finally of course, you've got to drink enough water, to help flush out toxins and hydrate your skin. You should begin to see healthy results after a few weeks.

Are there skincare products out there that can help me?

There are many anti aging skin care products on the market that help with the antiaging process in many ways. They can help rejuvenate the skin by moisturizing it; as you get older, in general, your skin holds less moisture and can begin to wrinkle, sag and even get blemishes, so these topical moisturizers can certainly help. Some of these antiaging treatment companies add antioxidants purported to help cell deterioration and increase cell turnover, such as topical vitamins A, C, E. and D. This is supposed to help the skin increase in elasticity and also reduce dryness, which makes skin look fresher.

Some topical anti aging skincare treatments have also been developed in the form of masks or body massage oils.

For best effect, adjust your antiaging skin care treatment to your changing needs, as you get older. If necessary, visit a dermatologist to get some ideas of what you can do if what you have chosen is not working for you or if you need some assistance. More and more anti aging skincare treatments are on the market today, and their technology has greatly advanced. These days, aging skin has a variety of clinical treatments available to it to help you look your best as you age. If topical treatments are not enough, you can choose a more aggressive approach to antiaging treatment. In addition to topical treatments, there's also chemical and laser peel technology or even cosmetic surgery if necessary.

Skin care tips

Anti aging antioxidants: Your diet should contain healthy fruits and vegetables; these have lots of naturally available antioxidants in them.

Anti aging supplements: It may be very beneficial to add supplements proven to have antioxidant powers, such as omega-3 fatty acids.

Anti aging skin moisturizer: To look your best, use an antiaging skin moisturizer. Keep your skin as healthy and moisturized as possible. It can also protect your skin from the environment and elements by providing a moisture barrier.

Sunscreen: Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF 15, with both UVA and UVB protection, to protect your skin from sun damage.

Antiaging night cream: If you need a little extra help, antiaging night cream can help keep your skin moisturized at night and may even have certain substances such as retinol, to help reduce wrinkles.

Exercise and diet: Drink at least eight glasses of water every day to stay well hydrated; you should also follow a good diet and participate in regular exercise.

Anti aging antioxidant treatments for your skin

Substances known as free radicals contribute to the aging process because they attack the body's cells and destroy or damage its DNA. Because of this, many antiaging skincare antioxidant nutrients have been added to many cosmetics. Major cosmetic companies add nutrients like vitamin C to their face creams, and some even include such substances as green tea extract.Antioxidant ingredients help protect against free radical damage and can help neutralize them. In addition, they can protect the skin from sun damage, which also contributes to free radical production.In addition, these creams also forum a protective moisture barrier to help the skin retain its elasticity and prevent dryness or wrinkles that may be caused by sun damage, as well as by aging in general.

When you're looking for an anti aging skincare treatment, you may be stunned by all you have to choose from. Just about every company is now jumping on the bandwagon with its antiaging treatments. Check the label to make sure that each product has levels of nutrients specifically beneficial to your type of skin. For example, if you have dry skin or the climate you live in is particularly dry or cold, you should choose a heavier cream more suitable for a harsh environment or dry skin. If your skin tends to be oily, then choose a lighter cream but one that nonetheless contains all the nutrients you need. This plus the proper nutrition and supplementation should help you look your best possible and perhaps maybe even reverse the aging process.

Daryl Plaza is a regular contributor to a informational based website on anti-aging, anti aging treatments, anti aging supplements and Anti aging skin care so that you are better informed for developing your antiaging health plan.Ariel Blog69415
Annmarie Blog32444

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