Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Something about Tasers

Method of Incapacitation: Electro-physical, involuntary contraction of skeletal muscle tissue. It overrides the motor nervous system, blocking command and control of the human body. Existing stun systems stimulate sensory neurons and can be over-ridden by a focused individual. The Advanced Taser directly stimulates motor nerve and muscle tissue, causing incapacitation regardless of mental focus, training, size, or drug induced dementia.

Upon firing, compressed nitrogen projects Advanced Taser probes 15 or 21 feet (depending on cartridge) at a speed of 180 feet per second. The probes are connected by thin insulated wire back to the Advanced Taser. An electrical signal transmits throughout the region where the probes make contact with the body or clothing. The result is an instant loss of the attackers neuromuscular control and any ability to perform coordinated action Advanced Taser uses an automatic timing mechanism to apply the electric charge for 5 seconds. Advanced Taser does not depend upon impact or body penetration to achieve its effect. Its pulsating electrical output interferes with communication between the brain and the muscular system, resulting in loss of control. However, Advanced Taser is non-destructive to nerves, muscles and other body elements. It simply affects them in their natural mode. More importantly, no deaths have ever been directly attributed to the Advanced Taser.

The Advanced Tasers output is well below the level established as "safe" by the federal government. In a medical study, Dr. Robert Stratbucker tested an Advanced Taser at the University of Missouri and confirmed that the it does not interrupt the heartbeat or damage a pacemaker. Any modern pacemaker is designed to withstand electrical defibrillator pulses that are hundreds of times stronger than the Advanced Tasers output. The Advanced Tasers current is well below the threshold which cardiac ventricular fibrillation can occur. High voltage, in itself, is not dangerous. One can receive a 25,000-Volt shock of static electricity from a doorknob on a dry day without harm. The physiological effect of electrical shock is determined by: the current, its duration, and the power source that produces the shock. The typical household current of 110 Volts is dangerous because it can pump many amperes of current throughout the body indefinitely.

The output is metered by the electronics and the electrical energy in each pulse is always the same, regardless of the target condition. The electrical output will not be transferred from one person to another even if they touch. Over 1,000 individuals have personally tested the Advanced Taser.

A person hit with an Advanced Taser will feel dazed for several seconds. Recovery is fast and the effects stop the very instant that the unit shuts off. Some will experience critical response amnesia and others will experience tingling sensations afterwards. The pulsating electrical output causes involuntary muscle contractions and a resulting sense of vertigo. It can momentarily stun or render immobilized. Yet, the Advanced Tasers low electrical amperage and short duration of pulsating current, ensures a non-lethal charge. Moreover, it does not cause permanent damage or long-term aftereffects to muscles, nerves or other body functions.

The electrical current will "jump" up to two inches as long as both probes are attached to clothing or skin. At most, only the 3/8-inch needlepoint will penetrate the skin. Both probes need to contact the body or clothing and be within two inches of the body to stop an attacker.

The Advanced Taser can work if one probe hits a human and the second falls on grass or dirt as the power grounds. However, the results depreciate substantially if the second probe lands on concrete, asphalt or not at all on wood floors. A secondary Air Cartridge accessory is available that holds a backup cartridge below the Advanced Taser handgrip. A final backup if the probes miss the target is the touch stun feature. Should the user miss or engage a second attacker, the Advanced Taser can be applied directly to the target and it will work like a powerful touch-stun device.

The Advanced Taser will not ignite standard solids or even black gunpowder. However, the spark from an Advanced Taser can ignite some flammable liquids, vapors, meth labs or sensitive explosives. The Advanced Taser should not be used anywhere that cigarettes are forbidden for fire safety reasons.

The Advanced Taser should always be aimed at the attackers chest or back, since both probes need to hit some part of the body to be effective. The torso provides the largest surface area to hit. The Advanced Taser should never be aimed toward an attackers face. This is a serious self-defense device and should be treated as such. Moreover, putting any sharp object into an eye is potentially dangerous to the cornea.

The Advanced Taser should be fired at a target several feet away. The optimum shot is from seven to ten feet away form the target to achieve maximum effect using a 15-foot cartridge and 12-18 for a 21-foot cartridge. The weakness to the system is not the Advanced Taser. The batteries limit the effectiveness in cold and extremely hot temperatures. Alkaline batteries perform poorly at freezing temperatures. However, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries can be substituted in a freezing climate, as their performances are better suited in colder climates. The heat issue is only an issue if the Advanced Taser were left sitting in the sun, once again adversely affecting the batteries. As for the Air Cartridge, it utilizes compressed nitrogen (an inert gas). The Advanced Taser compressed air capsules have successfully held their charges at temperatures of minus 20 F and up to 160 F. Moreover, altitude will not adversely effect the firing of an Advanced Taser. In addition, the temperature will not effect the T-Wave. However, as with any product containing polycarbonates and other thermoplastics, the Advanced Taser and Air Cartridges should never be left in direct sunlight.

While the AIR TASER uses extremely advanced technology, it is simple to use: Simply pull back the safety slide and press the trigger. The Advanced Taser microprocessor is programmed to administer a 30-second Advanced Taser discharge -- so you dont have to worry about how long to hold down the button. Or, turn the unit on or off at your discretion. Because the Advanced Taser transmits pulses into the nervous system, a hit anywhere on the body can be effective (see chart below). Thus, it is much easier to use than sprays or firearms which require a hit to a specific zone of the body. An optional laser sight provides "day light" power laser illumination for pinpoint accuracy (and stronger deterrence). Yet, with all this technology, the Advanced Taser requires no maintenance other than replacement of its 9-Volt alkaline battery when the battery indicator shows the battery is low.

Debbie Boultinghouse is the owner for Self Defense Devices R Us. Self Defense Devices R Us has various Tasers as well as many other products for your personal protection. For more information about Self Defense Devices R Us please visit Blog34103
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